Tuesday, May 30, 2006

My memo pad

Anthony : anthony-yammine@hotmail.com
Mr and Mrs Herbon
mailing address : Mr & Mme Herbon
33 Rue General - Leclerc 92130 Issy Le Moulineoux France
Their daugter' email : xandelera@hotmail.com

Is this my last day in France???

Is it really??? I don't wanna leave!!! But the other part of me say "HEY!! you're going back to your family, your favorite food :P". NO NO. I don't miss my family much and may be the same as them. Food??? do I have my favorite one???? :P

But I really feel sorry for French people. I don't know why do I judge them too fast. They are not all bad the same as my country. (may be my country is even worse)

I have talk with Mr Herbon, the house keeper even though he doesn't understand Eng at all and I don't understand French either but we can talk for nearly 2 hours by using our body :P I told him that I will be back to my country tomorrow (I don't know if he understand the same thing :P) He wish me luck and "Bon Voyage". Thank so much (Merci boucoo) :P

Before I go back to Thailand I want to thank
- My family for paying me every single thing to let me come here and also let me come here even though they don't even know what will I do in here at that time. I also want to thank them that they make me be like this :)
- Than for always being my best friend and the only one who can remember my birthday (apart of my family) even though I've never call him....(I'm such an idiod)
- ISEP to let me come here for my intern
- The Seminary where I live and I love it soooo much.
- My labtop so I can surf the net, watch movies and do tons of things (I can't imagine what will I be if I don't have it)
- Paul for a great greeting to the Seminary, offer me his credit card to buy telephone card, took me a tour in the Seminary, show me where the laundry is and also help me finding the internet.
- Anthony who always be my friend in the Seminary, ask me for a walk even though he always study all the time (I wanna be like that....SO DO IT)
- Dr.Cholwich for tons of suggestions about life, courses in the next semester and lots of idea from his blog :D
- Planet SIIT where I've gotted tons of idea, knowing many Alumni SIIT' blogs.
- P'Bank for giving me the Paris' map
- P'Tan for always worry about me, took me many places and being my guide in Paris.
- Mr and Mrs Herbon for letting me know that there is at least some real French people that are nice :D and also cleaning the Seminary being tidy
- David for... I don't know why but let say see you in Thailand this July :D
- Aryadasa for being my good advise, pulling me back when I get lost even though I've never see his face :)
- Oliver for lots of good advise.
- P'Pop for letting me know that there is a Thai community in France, the searching technique, the cashew nut, the CDs and also be a translator in the Animation contest even though I don't understand anything :)
- People in the Seminary The one who in charge of this place (sorry that I can't remember his name) for letting me borrow his blanket, PY, Fread1 and Fread2 for at least talked to me once, anybody who are here that say "bon jour" when we walk pass each other.
- Cite for letting me know lots of things about science.
- My mp3 player for being my only friend when I walk. I also thank for Brian Tracy' audio for lots of techniques so I can apply with my life to improve myself.
- The guy in the noisy room for keep fixing the internet :)
- Kenta for at least talking to me thought the net.
- The electrician for changing my broken light and also fix my sink :)
- The park close to my house so I can go jogging when I get bored
- Paris Expo so I have something to do in the weekend
- The market so I don't get bored (much :P )
and lots of people I don't know the name but they've helped me buying telephone card, the cashiers who always smile for me :D, the public toilet and Mcdonald so I don't wet my pant :P
Sorry for anybody I don't mention in here.
Thank you all

See you soon,

P.S. Am I Christian??? Why did I do this but let say I really want to thank them for letting my life be better :) Emmmm... or am I changed because of this place???? But I like it, it makes me happy :D

I will try following my dream :D FIGHT!!!

Monday, May 29, 2006

The art of lie

This article is about lieing. I better keep it :P
The art of lie

The Art of the Lie
by Wes Johnson

Lies. They’re all about us, and everybody does it. Any one who says they don’t, is lying. Here’s the thing, though: most people are the suck when it comes to telling lies. They tell stupid lies, they lie at stupid times, they telegraph their lies, and they waste them.

Lies are a gift from God himself; part and parcel of that “freewill” and love he claims (the biggest lie of all) to have given us. As a holy gift, it behoves us not to take our lies lightly, to squander them on trivial matters like if we pissed on the toilet seat, or put the milkjug back in the fridge empty. Take your lies seriously, treat them like gold, and put some work into them, and they will be your faithful servants, your true friends, your chance at salvation and redemption. Take them lightly, use them out and up, and they will turn on you faster than that ex you gave the clap to. I am going to tell you how best to lie, when to lie, the types of lies, and how to do it without actually lying.

First, the types of lies. Forget that “little white lie” crap. A lie is a lie. No matter the magnitude, they are dishonest, and, oddly, even though everybody does it, nobody like being on the receiving end of. No, lies are typed by their style. There are lies of misdirection, omission, ambiguity, and misleading lies. There are lies of misinformation, and there are bald-faced lies.

An ambiguous lie is one where you, the liar, give a statement that can be taken several ways, and context is used to shade the meaning in such a way that your ass is covered. It can be complicated to deliver properly, as you sometimes might need to set up the context days before you utter the magic words. The ambiguous lie works best when the target wants to believe you, and is willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.

Misleading lies are quite common, and most often used when blame can be shifted. They rely on blaming others, or circumstances. They work best when you can claim a pure motive, or blame yourself for misunderstanding a situation. A misleading lie is not about denying an event, but, instead, denying your intent to engineer said event. A good tactic is to find a scapegoat, somebody who (likely) quite innocently gave you a loophole or excuse to do what you did. Blaming them for giving you false information works like a charm; particularly if you have the foresight to phrase your lie in such a way as to not blame the other person. By claiming to not be trying to shift blame, you make the third party sympathetic, and an ally, willing to take part of the heat, convinced that, somehow, they DO share the blame. These lies are most commonly encountered at the workplace, or among family members.

Lies of omission are sweet. While, technically not lies, the intent is there, and so I’ve included them. These beauties are best suited to malicious purposes, not defence. By simply not including all the facts, you can manipulate others into carrying out actions they normally would shy away from. Getting somebody to take the risky steps is useful; as is being able to leave out crucial facts to win support for your own agenda. Investment bankers, big brothers, and Presidents are quite fond of these lies.

Misdirection seems to be the same as misleading, and maybe it is, but I feel that there is a certain kind of lie that is well-described by this word, and doesn’t fit into the other categories. It is a hard lie to pull off, and requires great skills, and the balls of a bull elephant; because to tell this lie, you must actually admit to the truth. That’s right, blatantly admit to your guilt... but project all the signs of a blatant bald-faced liar. The times for this lie are rare, so very, very, rare, but oh so satisfying to succeed at. You use it when you are accused of something so heinous, yet cool, that there is a distinct possibility that, while your honesty will be forever questioned, you reputation as somebody cool, or hard-core, will be etched in stone. By telling the truth, and acting like a liar, people will think you are trying to cop a credit you have no right to, and dismiss you as a poser. This opportunity often arises if you have been banging your wife’s sister, or boss’s daughter, or stole vast amounts of drugs from a local crime lord. Be careful, if you forget to act shifty whilst admitting guilt, you will take it up the ass.

Now, as the shifty little guy in “The Princess Bride” said, everybody has a list of mannerisms, or pantomimes, they use when lying, and lots of enemies have made a point of publishing articles on what the standard ones are. So there are people who will watch to see if you look away while speaking, or fidget, or pause too long in replying; you, as a liar, must train yourself to not do these things, and to study yourself to see what twitches you have of your own. There’s no point in asking your friends what little mannerisms you have when lying... the smart ones sure as hell aren’t going to tell you, and the gullible ones might just clue in that you have lied to them in the past. However, there is a way around giving away these clues.

Our old friend, George Costanza, from “Seinfeld”, spoke true words of wisdom on night, “It’s not a lie, if you believe it”. If you can convince yourself that you are telling the truth, you won’t act the liar. But George was merely a talented amateur, a one trick pony. Forcing yourself to believe you are telling the truth can work, but it can also get you locked up for being delusional, and requires an awful lot of work. No, a better technique relies upon the knowledge that black and white seldom really exist, that communication and truth are about shades of grey. In nearly every circumstance requiring a lie, there is often a fragment of your statement that is true, or a shard of the event that you don’t have to fear being out in the open. The sign of a true master is the ability to include this element in the lie, and hold tight to it in your heart of hearts, because it is the truth. Then, as you tell the lie, but remember the truth, you are able to be sincere, to project that open honest face that will melt people’s anger and suspicion, and keep you out of prison. All the best (and by that, I mean those who manage to stay in office without military backing) world leaders use this technique.

Now, finally, the most important part of lying: knowing when to lie. As earlier stated, lies are to be looked at as precious gifts, not to be squandered foolishly like a cash inheritance upon drinks for strangers. When your husband comes home to find you being bent over the kitchen table by the cable guy, and mutters in a broken voice “You’re cheating on me”, don’t even bother to deny it. It’s pointless. (This would be a time for reversing the blame, but that is a whole other lesson, dear reader) When the possible consequences are trivial, like whether or not you ate the last twinkie, don’t lie. Having to go to the 7-11 at midnight is not worth lying to avoid. Lie when the punishment is going to be vast and terrible, like when you pissed in Fat Tony’s soup...but no one saw you do it. Lies are fragile things, and witnesses are the bane of every liar. Which reminds me - lying on the internet is pointless. Hey, it’s all there in writing, stored forever (unless you can meltdown the server), and most people on the ‘net are anal enough to search for all the relevant information to prove they are right, and you are not. Never, ever, ever, lie when the truth exists as hard copy. The only thing that can save you then is being the President of the United States of America and a full cadre of advisors who will take the fall (in Canada, you must rely on the new Prime Minister passing a law to cover your ass, because he plans on some shady deals himself, later). Lie when your life is in danger, when there is money at stake, or when the truth will earn you the hatred of your peers.

In closing, studying politicians and captains of industry will aid you greatly in seeing what kind of lies you can tell, and how to tell them. It’s an easy to find resource, and a good guide to seeing what kinds of lies people will accept simply because it allows them to save face. Remember: nobody likes to look like a fool, so if your lie allows them to save face, and the truth would make them look nearly as bad as you, the accused, they will become your willing accomplice.

How To Find MP3’s with Google

This How-To will teach you how to use google to find mp3s. This How-To will be highly pragmatic and will focus on the hows and not the wherefores of the various search strings

0 ) Key
1 ) Directories
2 ) Xitami Servers
3 ) Directory Listing
4 ) Andromeda Servers
5 ) Zina Artists
6 ) Apache mp3 Servers
7 ) Individual Songs

Section 0 - KEY
This are just some definitions that I will use below.

[Directory String] can be any of the following :
1 ) “index of”
2 ) “last modified”
3 ) “parent of”

[file type] can be any of the following :
1 ) “mp3″
2 ) “shn”
3 ) “wma”

[mp3 name] can be any of the following :
1 ) the name of the album in quotes
2 ) the name of the artist in quotes
3 ) be daring and leave it blank and have lots of links
4 ) be creative!

1 ) -html -htm -php -asp -txt -pls

(inurl: ) is optional and may be omitted and in fact most be
omitted if not using a search tool other than google.

(intitle: ) can be used in place of (inurl: ) and has a similar effect
again you must be useing google.

(-filetype:txt ) adding this to the end of your search string can
filter some false positives.

(-playlist ) adding this to the end of your search string can
filter some false positives.

Section 1 - Directories
These are the most common way that mp3s are stored on the www, you
should try these strings first.

String Format :
Type 1 : [Directory String] + (inurl: )[file type] + [mp3 name]
Type 2 : [Directory String] + (intitle: )[file type] + [mp3 name]

Type 3 : [Directory String] + [file type] + [mp3 name] + [limitors]

Example Strings :
- intitle:index.of + mp3 + “grandaddy” -html -htm -php -asp -txt -pls
- “index of” + “mp3″ + “radiohead” -html -htm -php
- “index of” + mp3 + “grandaddy”
- “index of” + inurl:mp3 + “beatles” -txt -pls
- “index of” + intitle:mp3 + beatles
- “last modified” + “shn” + “dylan”
- “last modified” + inurl:shn + “bob dylan”
- “parent of” + inurl:wma + “grandaddy”

Suggestions :
- Try ( intitle:index.of + “mp3″ + “band name” -htm -html -php -asp) first it
is usually the most effective.

Another Little Trick:
- If you have been getting alot of results on google but the pages don’t seem
to be there try adding dates and the “apache” string to your search i.e.

- intitle:index.of + mp3 + “grandaddy” -html -htm -php -asp apache feb-2005
- intitle:index.of + mp3 + “grandaddy” -html -htm -php -asp apache 2005

or if you just want a big list of mp3′ doing a search like this everymonth
- intitle:index.of + mp3 + -html -htm -php -asp apache mar

Section 2 - Xitami Servers
String Format :
Type 1 : “xitami web server” + (inurl: )[file type] + [mp3 name]
Type 2 : “xitami web server” + (intitle: )[file type] + [mp3 name]

Example Strings :
- “xitami web server” + “mp3″ + “radiohead”
- “xitami web server” + intitle:shn + “beatles”
- “xitami web server” + inurl:mp3 + “magnetic fields”

Section 3 - Directory Listing
String Format :
Type 1 : “directory listings” + (inurl: )[file type] + [mp3 name]
Type 2 : “directory listings” + (intitle: )[file type] + [mp3 name]
Type 3 : “directory listings of” + (inurl: )[file type] + [mp3 name]
Type 4 : “directory listings of” + (intitle: )[file type] + [mp3 name]

Example Strings
- “directory listings” + “mp3″ + “radiohead”
- “directory listings” + intitle:shn + “beatles”
- “directory listings” + inurl:mp3 + “magnetic fields”
- “directory listings of” + “mp3″ + “radiohead”
- “directory listings of” + intitle:shn + “beatles”
- “directory listings of” + inurl:mp3 + “magnetic fields”

Section 4 - Andromeda Servers
String Format :
Type 1 : “scott matthews” + andromeda + [mp3 name]
Type 2 : “scott matthews” + andromeda + [file type] + [mp3 name]
Type 3 : “powered by andromeda” + [mp3 name]
Type 4 : “powered by andromeda” + [file type] + [mp3 name]
Type 5 : inurl:andromeda.php + [mp3 name]
Type 6 : inurl:anromeda.php + [file type] + [mp3 name]
Type 7 : “scott matthews”
Type 8 : “powered by andromeda”
Type 9 : inurl:andromeda.php

Examples :
- “scott matthews” + andromeda + “radiohead”
- “scott matthews” + andromeda + “mp3″ + “fitter”
- “powered by andromeda” + “gradaddy”
- “powered by andromeda” + “mp3″ + “just like women”
- inurl:andromeda.php + “shn”
- inurl:anromeda.php + “wma” + “dylan”
- “scott matthews”
- “powered by andromeda”
- inurl:andromeda.php

Section 5 - Zina Artists
String Format :
Type 1 : “zina artists”

Examples :
- “zina artists”

Section 6 - Apache mp3 Servers
String Format :
Type 1 : “stream all” + apache + [mp3 name]
Type 2 : “stream all” + apache
Type 3 : “shuffle all” + apache + [mp3 name]
Type 4 : “shuffle all” + apache

Examples :
- “stream all” + apache
- “stream all” “shuffle all” mp3
- “stream all” + apache + radiohead
- “shuffle all” + beatles

Section 7 - Individual Songs
Format : [mp3 name].mp3 -playlist -filetype:txt

Examples :
- “ok_computer_live.mp3″ -playlist -filetype:txt
- “*ok_computer*.mp3″ -playlist -filetype:txt
- kid*a.mp3 -playlist -filetype:txt

Pontianak during guard duty in singapore
March 17th, 2006

If you ask me, It’s a silly prank done by the bored guard duty personel. Just pray that mindef won’t take harsh action against them. Make me think about National Service duties

Credit: http://aquazero.weblogs.us/
Thanks :D

Sorry Paris

I'm soooo sorry that I judge Paris people too fast. Not all of them be like that. I think the reason that I think like that is because the language. Yesterday, I got lost. I asked many people how to go to Pompido. They don't know anything about English but when they heard Pompido, all of them trying to explain by using their hand or anyway to make me understand.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

The things I got from going to German and Swiss

What I have been doing for....6 days??? (21-26) not much but let say I've gotten LOTS OF THING TO MAKE MY LIFE BETTER

Let start with my base place first. Note that this is in my view may be it's not true
Paris - I think there is nothing special, technology is not rake in top 10, nothinkg special but why do people wanna come here?? May be because of fashion. Paris is always be number 1 in fashion. May be that's why people coming here. Most people quite jealous, don't wanna help each other, everybody are in hurry, nobody care each other, most people don't wanna speak another language. May be because the maximum working time is 35 hours per week so everybody wanna make the best out of it. The city is a little bit dirt. Lots of pick pocket. Everything that have bad points must have some good things. The city is sooo beautiful inclusing my dorm. I'm living in a church which is soooo huge and I like it sooo much even thought I kind of scare in in my first day but I like it now :)

I think that's all about Paris, the city of fashion.

flankfurt - German - I like almost everything here. Everybody are nice. All of them can speak English. The city is also beautiful. They can mix old buildings with the new one perfectly. I like the transportation. There is a "tram" (if I understand correctly) it's kind of bus but don't need oil. It use electric from the line above it. I think if Thailand use this technique, the city will be better. Sooooo what is the bad point??? I don't know, I really don't know.....

Swiss - I like this country the most, nobody are in hurry but they still do quite good. May be that's why the the court, justice, the place to judge is located in here (emmm... I don't know the word) sooooo let go to each city

Lucern This city is quite beautiful. But it's a little bit small, I can walk from the top to bottom within 20 mins. There is a good views, the water is soooooo clear (but not clean), I can see lots of fishs in there. Moutain which full of snow.

Interlaken let divide this word into 2 parts "inter" which means between and "laken" or lake. Because this city located between lakes but I don't know the name:P Before I've been there, I think this city must be cold because it's surrounded by snow mountains but it's not, I think it's the hottest city comparing with the cities above. May be because there is no wind and the ice on the mountain is too far.

Soooooo what I got from the 6 days trip??? I think nothing much except it make me grow up
I have to go to Animation expo which is at Pompidoo. Emmmmm..... hungry

Home sweet home :D

Finally I've reach home....Can I call it home??? let say it's my base place :)

On 21st evening, I caught a night train from Paris to Frankfurt, reach there about 8 AM on 22nd. Check in and walked around waiting for Amy' parents and doing nothing because of the rain. On 23rd, we just walk around the city then catch a train to Lucern. We reach Lucern on 23rd night, checked in and that's all. On 24th, we just walk around Lucern buying nothing because everything are all expensive. That night, we catch a train to Interlaken and again nothing to do because it's too dark so...watched movies which we are all DO NOT understand even though it's my favourite movie - X-men... On 25th, we planned to go to the top of Europe - Jungfall (errr.. I know that I'm bad at spelling) But we didn't because of Amy' mom. That's fine for me but not Amy. She really wanna go there and that's the reason we make this trip. So we have to end up with walking around the city (again...) But on 26th, everybody wanna go up there except ME . Why????? If we go up there on 26th, we have to stay another night in Interlaken which means that we will reach Paris on 27th night which I don't want. I already make a reservasion in Animation Expo on 27th and I don't wanna miss it. Again, Amy cry with I know she must be and I know that it's my fault. So everybody haven't go up there but caught a train back to Paris in that day instead. So I reach Paris at 11:30PM on 26th.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Change my contact

Just to remind me that I have change my contact on May 12 sooooo it will be expired on April 12.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Test my Japanese name

I have test my Japanese name and I got

My japanese name is ?? Chiba (thousand feathers) 一真 Kazuma (one reality).
Take your real japanese name generator! today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

I really don't know what it means...

Are there anything for me to eat???

Before I came here, I imagine that there must be lots of delicious food here. I was thinking about French bread. When I came here that's the only thing that is original and most people eat.

I will list the food that most people here eat. Start with the traditional food, 1 French bread, 2 panini, 3 sandwich, 4... That's all I can think and all of them involve with bread. But in Thai, there are tons of food. Some might say that there is only rice. Yes rice with lots of thing the same as bread in France. But I still have noodle which I don't like it much.

I'm sick of sandwich and panini.

Kind of hungry....
What should I eat???

Monday, May 08, 2006

I was reading Dr.Cholwich blog

It's soooo funny. I've got lots of idea about how to live my life from that blog. I will try following in his way. Just keep studying!!!

Am I not "PATIENT"???

On Thuesday and Friday, I've been to the school. Amy told me that I'm not "PATIENT". The professor teach something to us but I don't understand at all, not just a single thing so I just walk out and surf the net in the other room waiting till he's finish. Yes, may be I'm not patient. But Amy told me to bring the best out of it. But I feel like this is not what I like, why do I have to learn what I don't want????

But I will try my best, I hope I can.

My sister proud of me because I'm climbing the wall!!

I was surprise that my sister is sooo glad that I climb the wall. Not because of money but she said that I am young and I should do what ever I can before I getting old any fun stuff for young people. If not, I might look back and feel regret that why don't I do that when I was young. But I am happy in my own way. I like following the rule which my sister want to do what she want to do but does not hute anybody. Yes, that is my sister.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


There are 2 big not normal things happened with me today.

I will start will less normal first. It was about my sleep but before I start, let me describe my bed first. My bed always look tidy because I put all 4 corners of my blanket under the bed so it is hard to get in or get out. The only way to be under blanket is by entering from the front of the bed and it's quite hard. Today, I woke up normally under the blanket but where is my glove???? (I normally ware glove when I sleep because my hand is crack and breeding) Ok, I found it at the end of the bed which I normally put it there. I can remember that I woke up during the night to make pee, if I do I put my glove like that. I get out of the bed to take a shower so I have to get my cloth first. When I open the shelf, my cloth are all messy, my socks are on the floor. Did I sleep walking???? But it was not the first time. As I know, this is my third time. First time, my mom told me that I walk around the house until, my mom was surprise so she took me back to my bed. When I woke up she asked me why do I do like that. I'm like....Do what??? I think I sleep as normal. Another time was at the dorm, my friend see it. I woke up during the night and walked to the corridor (my dorm in Thailand). That's why I said that it's less normal, it's always happen :p

Another thing is a big, huge, large, giantic, enormous, titanic thing I've ever done. Paris expo is not far from my house so when I get bored, I normally go there. There is always be some expo that I can enter for FREE :) But not this time. I have to pay 12 Euro to enter 12 EURO!!! I's a lot for me. I don't know what is it about because I can't read French but there are lots of advertising around paris about this expo and I see lots of kids enter this expo so I guess it must be something interesting. At that time, I really want to go in. Now, I have 3 choices. The first one is to pay 12 Euro to enter. Second is going back to my dorm. OR the last choice, climb the wall which is about 4 metes tall. I think about 20 minute, I cut the first choice out first, I don't wanna pay for 12 Euro for something I don't know. So there are 2 choices now, go back or climb. So I walk around the expo gate, finding the place to climb and also think that what if I get caugth, what will happen to me. Until I found a good place to climb. It's a parking lot at my side and another side has a very big truck so nobody can see me when I climb in. You might surprise how can I climb 4 metes wall, let say there are 2 step which I can stand on it. It's not hard to go to the top of the wall but how can I go back to the floor??? I don't know how, all I know is that I am bleeding now but I think it's worth doing this. I don't have to loss 12 Euro but I got a scar in stead :) I walk in the expo as normal, pretend like I really paid to come in here :p The first place I find is a bathroom, the gate is soooo dirt, I want to wash my hand and my leg. Then I walk in the expo. I was SHOCK!! There is a furniture expo!!! Do I climb for this??? But I walked around and I found that furniture is only in 1 hall but there are 8 halls inside. It's like if you don't have anything, no house, no car except money $$$$ :p you can get everything from here. I've found games, movies. It's soooo cheap comparing with the food (surely not with my country, everything in my country is like 10 times cheaper than here) But I think I'm going back to Thai soon (31 May) which I've planned to travel from 21-25 by Europass so it's not worth buying those.

Then I walk to the market close to my house. I bought blank CD 18 Euro for 50 CD or about 0.36 Euro each or 7.2 baht which is not expensive but I think I'm not gonna use that much!!! Anyway, it's fine. Now I can download anything I want :p

I think that's all. Another thing is that I don't know why I do free very happy today. I wish I can feel like this every single day. :D
