Thursday, June 22, 2006

I really have to change my habbitsss

I know that I use lots of money. I eat expensive things but that's ok. But what about my stuff. At my dorm, I have 4 staplers, 6 electric provider, million of musics, tons of improvement books which I think most of them contain the same information, 3 keyboards, 2 mouses, thousand of DVD movies and tons of CD program that I will not use anymore.

I'm soooo curious about my staplers, why do I have to bought them for 4 I think 1 is enough but let say it doesn't work so well (the spring always go out of the track which I can stick a tape so it will not come out) which I think most people will do like that but I bought a new one instead. I also bought another 2 big staplers which I don't know if I'm quite sure that I will not use it too much. :(
Today, I think I use money for nearly 1 thousand baht!!! I woke up about 7 and went to "Tuk baht", took a shower (again) then had a hair cut 100, went to a book store bought 2 books - one is about how to live my life worthly and another one is to improve my learning skill 383.50, bought 7 blank books from Double A boost 154, tons of markers and pens168. Then came back to my room and had a very long sleep; from 2 till 8 then went to a market spent another 150 for my meal ("-_-)

another 4.50 baht to a thousand!!!!! (955.5 baht)

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